COVID-19 Precautions
COVID-19 Safety Plan now transitioned to a Communicable Disease Prevention Plan.
HG Insurance Agencies has followed the advice of the Provincial Health Officer, and WorkSafe BC’s directives for completing an effective plan to reduce the risk of transmission of communicable diseases and to provide a safe environment for our employees and our clients.
We are taking clients on a first come, first serve basis during business hours as posted on our website.
July 01, 2021 Update as BC enters Phase 3 of our Re-Start Plan:
Effective Thursday, July 01, 2021 we wish to advise all clients attending our office in person,
that the wearing of a mask is optional though recommended, as per directive from our Provincial Health Officer.
Ongoing measures to reduce risk include the following occupancy limit – a maximum of 2 clients per available broker.
Please be advised that your patience will be required while waiting outside, as physical distancing restrictions limit our occupancy and we do not have a waiting area.
The Provincial Health officer has issued a statement recommending that businesses maintain many of their current protocols:
- Maximum total of 2 clients per available broker
- Barriers between staff and clients
- Directional flow through the branch
- Limited access to some areas in branch to allow for physical distancing
- Cleaning & disinfecting practices between client interactions
- Access to washrooms will not be allowed
To remain compliant with these guidelines, we are asking our clients to help us ensure a safe environment for everyone by:
- Using the supplied hand sanitizer
- Practicing physical distancing and keeping 6 feet between yourself and other clients and staff (except where barriers have been installed)
Please do not visit our offices if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms (mild or severe):
- Fever
- Cough
- Difficulty breathing/shortness of breath
- Have travelled to any area with an ongoing spread of COVID-19
- Live with someone who recently travelled to an area with an ongoing spread of COVID-19
- Have been in contact with someone known to have COVID-19 or experiencing symptoms similar to the Flu or COVID-19.
Please consider sending insurance questions to or or leave a telephone message with your name and phone number and we will return your call as we are free.
Thank you for your support and your patience as we begin to work through this new way of serving you while keeping each other safe.